On this episode of the podcast I finally land a solid excuse to chat with friend and thought-wizard Jeremy MacDonald. Since he has lots of history working directly with students and now pours out his life working with people who themselves work with students, his perspective on rites of passage for young people and how they learn to “adult” in our current contexts is worth mining. We open things off by taking a cursory look at the third chapter of David Desteno’s book (How God Works), then riff from there. We talk about bullet ants, bar mitzvahs, and we even have a surprise reveal near the end of the conversation from Jeremy about his future plans (unbeknownst to his wife & kids), so stay tuned!
Some links for things mentioned (and unmentioned):
Christian Service Brigade: https://christianservicebrigade.ca/
Champion Tribes: https://www.championtribes.com
Youth Worker Community: https://youthworker.community/
How God Works Podcast: https://beta.prx.org/stories/401370
Renegotiating Faith Report: https://p2c.com/renegotiating-faith/
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